Members of the Gloriosagenus are half hardy perennials that are usually treated as a half hardy annual when grown in the garden.Gloriosa are climbers that may reach from 1.2 metres to 1.8 metres in height.Some common names for Gloriosa include,Gloriosa lily, Glory Lily and Climbing Lily.They have attractive leaves and bloom in the summer, when they carry flowers similar to those of lilies; these may be crimson red or yellow, and are very beautiful..jpg)
Gloriosa Lilies consist of 5-6 tender climbing vines, which are natives of South Africa. These vines grow from oddly-shaped tubers that sprout and travel underground. The name Gloriosa comes from the wordgloriosus, which means handsome and superbaform the word superb clearly alluding to the beautiful flowers which appear from November to March.
Also, commonly known as Climbing Lilies, Flame Lilies, or Glory Lilies, these beautiful plants are suitable for growing on trellises or in containers (both indoors as houseplants and outdoors). Glorisa lilies make lovely fresh-cut flower arrangements as well. If the flowers are cut just before the petals bend back, they will last up to 8 days in an arrangement.
Grow Gloriosa lilies in well-drained, organic soil in a location that receives sun or light to medium shade. Gloriosas prefer warm temperatures ranging from 60º to 75º but will tolerate temperatures down to 50º or 60º F. To extend the blooming period of gloriosas, start the tubers inside in late winter and then transplant to the garden in spring.
Container-grown gloriosas can accommodate one to three tubers in an 8-inch (or larger) pot. If placing your gloriosas outside in the garden, plant the tubers in the spring after all frost has passed approximately 2 inches deep. The tubers should be set horizontally in the holes as well.
Gloriosas can reach heights up to 6 or 8 feet; therefore, support with a trellis or other suitable object is recommended.
Water and fertilize gloriosas while they are in active growth throughout the blooming period. After blooming, gradually stop watering, then dig and store the tubers. They can be left in pots of dry soil until spring, when they should be replanted in fresh soil. In suitable climates, however, they can be left in the ground over winter if sheltered from cold, damp conditions.
Propagating your gloriosa lilies is quite easy. Offsets may be detached or the tubers may be divided during its dormant period. All Gloriosa lilies produce large pods of reddish, marble-like seeds in the fall. These can be collected, saved and sown at a later date to reproduce more plants as well. The new plants will form tubers in their third season.
The species G. rothschildiana has whorled leaves and flowers wavy-edged petals. The crimson flowers edged in bright yellow make the blooms look as if they’re on fire, hence its common name Flame Lily. This Gloriosa lily reaches anywhere from 3-6 feet tall.
G. superbavar. Lutea has pure yellow flowers with slender petals.
G. simplex produces orange and yellow flowers that open with a light greenish tinge. The vines reach about 3 feet in length.
A special note of interest for anyone with children or pets, all parts of glorisa lilies are poisonous and potentially fatal if ingested. Quick Gloriosa Growing Guide and Facts
Common Names: Gloriosa Lily, Flame Lily, Fire Lily, Climbing Lily, Glory Lily, Superb Lily, Creeping lily.
Life Cycle: Half hardy perennial commonly grown as a half hardy annual by gardeners.
Height: 48 to 120 inches (120 to 300 cm).
Native: Tropical regions of Asia and Africa.
Growing Region: Zones 6 to 10. As a perennial in zones 9 and 10.
Flowers: Summer.
Flower Details: Red, yellow, orange, greenish/yellow. Reflex petals. Solitary. Lily-like.
Foliage: Leaves have tendrils at their tips.
Sow Outside: Seed (warm areas): cover. Spring. Spacing 12 to 24 inches (30 to 60 cm).
Tuber: 2 inches (5 cm) deep. Mid-spring; temperature should not drop below 50°F (10°C).
Sow Inside: Soak seeds for 24 hours. Use peat pots. Germination time: one month. Temperature 70°F (21°C). Start at the end of winter. Transplant outdoors in mid-spring; temperature should not drop below 50°F (10°C).
Requirements: Full sunlight. Good drainage. Humus rich soil. Provide trellis. Fortnightly feed. Regular watering. Bring tubers indoors in cooler climates. Propagate: divide and grow from tubers in mid-spring.
Miscellaneous: Extremely toxic tubers; wear gloves!
Life Cycle: Half hardy perennial commonly grown as a half hardy annual by gardeners.
Height: 48 to 120 inches (120 to 300 cm).
Native: Tropical regions of Asia and Africa.
Growing Region: Zones 6 to 10. As a perennial in zones 9 and 10.
Flowers: Summer.
Flower Details: Red, yellow, orange, greenish/yellow. Reflex petals. Solitary. Lily-like.
Foliage: Leaves have tendrils at their tips.
Sow Outside: Seed (warm areas): cover. Spring. Spacing 12 to 24 inches (30 to 60 cm).
Tuber: 2 inches (5 cm) deep. Mid-spring; temperature should not drop below 50°F (10°C).
Sow Inside: Soak seeds for 24 hours. Use peat pots. Germination time: one month. Temperature 70°F (21°C). Start at the end of winter. Transplant outdoors in mid-spring; temperature should not drop below 50°F (10°C).
Requirements: Full sunlight. Good drainage. Humus rich soil. Provide trellis. Fortnightly feed. Regular watering. Bring tubers indoors in cooler climates. Propagate: divide and grow from tubers in mid-spring.
Miscellaneous: Extremely toxic tubers; wear gloves!
How to grow Gloriosa lilies
Gloriosa lilies can be grown from tubers or seeds; if growing from seeds it is best to start them off indoors. The tubers should be planted at a depth of 5cm and a spacing of 30cm in mid spring, well after a chance of a frost. If growing Gloriosa lilies from seed first soak overnight in warm water, then sow the seed in peat pots and lightly cover; this should be done in late January or February. It should take about a month for Gloriosa seeds to germinate at a temperature of 21 to 25 degrees centigrade.
Once established transplant the Gloriosa seedlings outdoors in mid spring. The Gloriosa lilies should be located in a sunny area and provided with a trellis or similar structure to grow upon. Ideally the soil that they grow in will be humus rich.
Caring for Gloriosa lily Gloriosa species such as climbing lily and Gloriosa lily are climbers so require a trellis for support. They are quite hungry and thirsty so provide a liquid fertilizer and water regularly when they are growing. Once Gloriosa have finished blooming water less frequently. If you require more Gloriosa then propagate by dividing their tubers in mid spring.
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