Monday 30 April 2012

Dandelion flowers pictures.

The dandelion flower is recognizable to just about everyone.This is due to the fact that although these small plants are native to Europe and Asia,at least two of their species can be found growing wild all around the world. 
 The dandelion flower is a member of the asteraceae family and, as is common with other members of this line, has a single head that is composed of several smaller, yellow ray flowers. The foliage for this flower is generally lobed, dark green and hairless. The distinctive lance shape of the leaves were the inspiration for its name – the Old French dent-de-lion, which means lion’s tooth. The stems of these flowers are hollow and, when broken, seep a thick, faintly white sap.
 Since the entire dandelion flower is perfectly edible, many people over time have used this plant for both culinary and medicinal purposes. When dried and steeped in hot water, these flowers can make a superb diuretic, and are also thought to help in eliminating kidney stones. The milky sap is considered very effective with skin conditions, and can aid in diminishing warts.
 Two contradictory superstitions state that if you blow on the dried flower ball, the number of seeds that remain can either tell you how many children you will have, or how many more years you will live. If all of the seeds come off, however, you will be granted a wish. In folk myths, the dandelion has been used to tell time and predict the weather. In these stories, the number of times it takes you to blow away all of the seeds from a single flower is the exact hour of the day. The weather, on the other hand, is dependent upon whether or not the head of the flower opens in the morning.

  The flower heads can be eaten uncooked in salads or mixed with vegetables, and the roots may be dried and brewed as a substitute for coffee. There are also many myths and superstitions surrounding the dandelion flower.
 As a symbol, the dandelion flower is the ultimate emblem for persistence and a strong will. It is also thought to represent wishes coming true, cheerful love, and general happiness. As a gift, these small, delicate flowers are certainly unique. Although uncommon, it is possible to give these to someone as a potted plant; however, they are best given freshly clipped and presented as a single yellow flower, so as to represent a sweet, innocent affection; or in its more downy form, encouraging the recipient to make a wish.
The plant has the botanical name of Taraxacum officinale. It represents a genus consisting of biennial and perennial herbs and plants. Originating from Southern Europe, the plant is the member of the family Composite.  
Its name was got from the French word ‘dent de lion’, referring to the pointed leaves looking like a lion's tooth.
Dandelion bears yellowish or orange blooms that look like daisy. These tiny blossoms are gathered together into a complex flower head with the diameter of 2-5 cm. It opens at day hours and closes at night time.
The heads are produced individually on a hollow stem that may grow from 4 to 75 cm above the foliage. The plant’s leaves’ length is 5-25 cm. depending on the species they can be plain or basal, entire or toothed.
Young plant's foliage is one of the ingredients for salads and soups. Its flower heads are utilized for wine making. One can get tasty beverage by drying and roasting the dandelion’s roots. Dandelion also serves as a tonic herb.

Sunday 29 April 2012

Miniature roses pictures.

 Miniature roses first became popular during the 1800s, then were almost forgotten. Lately, their popularity has been growing rapidly. They are now among the most commonly hybridized of all roses.
 Description of miniature rose:Since miniature roses are available in so many different forms, defining them is difficult. Even their height is deceptive: While truly tiny miniatures rarely reach more than 6 inches, many other "miniatures" eventually grow to 3 feet. The major characteristic of this group is a combination of small flowers on thin stems and diminutive foliage. Generally speaking, they either remain or can easily be maintained at less than 18 inches in height. Their flowers can be simple, semi-double, or double; clustered or single; fragrant or odourless. They have as wide a color range as any class of rose and more growth forms, from shrubby to creeping to climbing, than any other. Most are ever blooming.
 Planting miniature rose: Spacing will depend on the eventual size of the variety chosen; 10 to 18 inches is usually adequate.

Propagating miniature rose: Miniature roses are readily reproduced by cuttings.                    
Varieties of miniature rose: Cinderella, white; Holy Toledo, copper; Lavender Jewel, lavender; Starina, orange red.
 Special needs for miniature rose: Miniature roses are probably the hardiest of the bush roses. Many survive temperatures below 0 degrees Fahrenheit, although they may be killed to the ground. However, some winter protection is recommended in colder regions. Remove faded blooms to ensure continual bloom.
Uses for miniature rose: Their small size makes miniature roses ideal for edging, mass plantings, and rock or herb gardens. They are ideal container plants and the only roses truly useful as house plants.

Saturday 28 April 2012

Forget-me not flowers pictures.

Forget-me-not flower is the common name given to about a dozen flowering plants in the Myosotis genus of the Borage family (Boraginaceae).
 Forget me nots grow best when planted early in spring in shady areas. They require rich, moist soil, but are otherwise easy to maintain throughout their lifespan, and – in fact – are thought to be relatively free of pests and diseases.
 The most recognizable forms of this flower contain 5-petalled, flat heads that may appear in either light blue or purple. 
 The forget me not flower has accumulated a good deal of legend over time. One of the best known legends is of how it got its distinctive name. It is said that a medieval knight walked near a riverbank with his beloved. As they walked, he slipped into the water and could not get out because of the weight of his armour. As his love wept and tried to pull him from the water, he handed her a bouquet of small, blue flowers and whispered, “forget me not.” 
 These flowers have also been mentioned in many folkloric tales that stated they had a curative effect on scorpion stings, and thus they were called “scorpion grass.” In other stories they were said to be used as protective talismans against witches, and lucky emblems to the likes of King Henry IV of England – who adopted this flower as his personal good luck charm. Aside from being a fortuitous symbol, the forget me not flower is also occasionally used by herbalists. Teas are sometimes made from dried forget me nots not only for its pleasant, slightly earthy flavour, but also because it is said to be soothing to the nerves, promote better sleep, better skin and even weight loss.
As a gift, the forget me not flower – as its name implies – is given in remembrance. It is not uncommon for these plants to be received by the family members and friends of someone who has recently passed away. On the lighter side, they are also occasionally given out by companies as a unique way to remind customers of their brand. As well as being a symbol for remembrance and luck, these flowers are also representative of true, faithful love, fond memories and hope, and are quite commonly seen in arrangements that can be given to loved ones and friends.

Friday 27 April 2012

Honeysuckle- flowers pictures.

Honeysuckle- flowers pictures.The honeysuckle flower is a family of climbing plants and flowering shrubs. Although other types of flowers – such as the azalea and columbine – are sometimes called honeysuckles, only the group of 180 species in the lonicera genus are considered true honeysuckle flowers. This plant, which is a member of the caprifoliaceae family, is native to many regions of the Northern Hemisphere; however, the majority of species can be seen blooming both wild and in gardens all throughout China. The leaves of the honeysuckle flower are opposite and rounded, and may be either evergreen or deciduous. The flowers themselves are set in a distinctive bell shape, and bloom in dual shades – from scarlet red on the outside and bright orange on the inside, to white tinged with a rosy pink. One characteristic feature of this flower is its fruit, which adds an extra dash of bright color to its appearance.
The honeysuckle flower – whose scientific name is derived from the well known Renaissance botanist, Adam Lonicer – has made its mark in popular culture. One such example is a painting by the famous artist Peter Paul Rubens. This painting, entitled “Honeysuckle Bower,” is a double portrait of himself and his new wife sitting under the shelter of a blossoming honeysuckle shrub. More modern artists, such as Joni Johnson-Godsy and Poppy Melia, have also depicted this striking flower in a variety of forms. As well as being noted in fine art, the honeysuckle flower has become the inspiration for a good deal of films, music and literary art. Honeysuckles have appeared in stories and poetry from writers such as William Faulkner, Marie de France and Robert Frost. In addition to being a cultural icon of sorts, the honeysuckle is also considered highly effective in herbal cures and cosmetic treatments. Honeysuckle extracts are frequently used in perfumes, face creams and occasionally even toothpaste. As a curative, this blossom is considered very effective for respiratory issues, clearing the body of toxins and reducing fevers.
One of the honeysuckle’s most prominent symbols is the bond of love. This flower has long been associated with not only love, but devotion and generosity. These blossoms are sometimes given as an alternative to the more common flowers, and are often presented to the recipient on Valentine’s Day, anniversaries, as wedding gifts, or even simple tokens of affection. As well as giving this plant in an arrangement, bouquet or pot, you can also place them in a gift basket featuring other honeysuckle-related items, such as teas, perfumes and soaps.

Flowers sketches.

Flowers sketches.

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Bleeding heart flower story video.

Bleeding heart flower story video.

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Flowers photo frames.

Flowers photo frames.

Sunday 22 April 2012

Silver lace vine.

Silver lace vine is a vigorous, adaptable, fast-growing, deciduous, twining vine that typically grows 25-35 (12-15 in one year). Ovate leaves (to 3.5î long) emerge tinged with red, but mature to a bright green. Masses of small, fragrant, creamy white flowers in profuse, narrow panicles cover the vine over a long bloom period of mid-summer to fall. From a distance, this vine is similar in appearance to autumn sweet clematis (C. paniculata). Synonymous with Polygonum aubertii and Polygonum baldschuanicum.Best grown in well-drained sandy loams with regular moisture in full sun to part shade. Tolerates some drought. Tolerant of a wide range of soil conditions. Plants are less apt to spread invasively in poor, lean soils. Vines need a support structure upon which to grow unless grown as a sprawling ground cover. This is a somewhat weedy vine that spreads quickly by rhizomes. May be pruned back each year in late winter to early spring. To renovate, prune back in late winter to 1-3� from the ground. To keep within bounds, trim off excess growth as needed throughout the year.

Saturday 21 April 2012

Jupiter's flowers pictures.

 Jupiter's beard is just starting to bloom.

Jupiter's Beard (Centranthus Ruber Coccineus Red) - Attract hummingbirds, butterflies and bees to your garden by growing Jupiter's Beard from flower seeds. The vibrant red of Jupiter's Beard is a wonderful source of color for the perennial garden. It grows 24 - 32 inches tall, so it's perfect for the middle of the garden, and the bright red blooms appear all summer long above spear shaped, gray-green foliage. It makes a great cut flower.
Growing Jupiter's Beard from flower seed is very rewarding and easy. Approximately 1000 seeds covers 75 square feet. It should be spaced about 12 to 15 inches apart in the sunny garden (light shade is fine as well). Jupiter's Beard is very long-lived, and it asks for only ordinary garden soil with good drainage. After it's established, it is considered to be fairly drought tolerant. Deadheading will keep the plant flowering fuller and later into the season. If the plant stops blooming due to heat, cut the plant back by 1/3 - 1/2 to promote another round of blooms later in the summer.
Sow Jupiter's Beard flower seed indoors in starter trays 6 - 8 weeks before the end of frost season. Keep flower seeds continuously moist until germination. Transplant seedling outdoors when frost danger has passed. Or, directly sow Jupiter's Beard flower seeds outdoors into prepared soil in spring when temperatures are consistently warm. Jupiter's Beard is a liberal self-sower. Deadhead spent blooms if you do not want Jupiter's Beard flower seed to spread.

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Snowdrop flowers video.

Snowdrop flowers video.

Periwinkle flowers pictures.

Periwinkle flowers are derived from two genera in the apocynaceae family – the vinca, better known as the common periwinkle, and catharanthus, often called the Madagascar periwinkle. They are both relatively small species – the Madagascar variety numbering around eight, while the vinca hosts a meager five species to its name – and are strikingly similar in many ways. For instance, both have petite, five-petaled blossoms; long growing stems which can range between 3 to 30 inches above ground; and both types have glossy, bright green foliage. The Madagascar periwinkle is native to areas of southern Asia, while vinca is indigenous to Europe, Asia and Africa. The hues of these flowers can range from white and violet, to rose, pink and red.

 Both the vinca and Madagascar periwinkle flowers have become major players in the world of herbal medicine. In fact, the pharmaceutical industry has taken a great interest in the species catharanthus roseus, which has shown to have a promising effect as a treatment for both lymphoma and leukemia. Despite the modern research that has begun, this genus of periwinkle has been in use for several hundred years as a disinfectant and tranquilizer, as well as to stop blood loss and treat diabetes.
 Vinca, on the other hand, has been known to treat high blood pressure, female reproductive issues, as well as mouth ulcerations and sore throats. Despite the fact that both plants have made their way into a number of pharmaceutical brands – as well as becoming a major part of folk medicine – these blooms are considered to be quite toxic if taken in large doses. Periwinkle flowers also have their place in both myth and history alike. 
 The English botanist and herbalist Nicholas Culpeper considered these plants to be something of an aphrodisiac when shared amongst lovers, as he concluded that the goddess of love, Venus, grew and kept these plants. On a more sinister note, during the Middle Ages, flowing garlands were made of a dwarf species of periwinkle, which were then placed upon the heads of criminals who were being prepared for execution.
Periwinkle flowers have a wide variety of meanings. One of its earliest symbols is of immortality; however, in more modern times these blossoms generally represent new friendship, fidelity in long time relationships, and spiritual harmony. As a gift, these flowers are almost invariably traded between lovers and married couples, but they are also sometimes presented to friends and family members, so as to show these people that they are loved.

Monday 16 April 2012

Snapdragon flowers pictures.

Snapdragon Flower Pictures. Scientific name: Antirrhinum majus. Snapdragon is an annual flower that children love because they can snap open the flowers like puppets. Snapdragons endure cool weather and are widely planted for winter flower colours in mild-winter areas.

Description: Snapdragons uniformly bear a whorl of flowers atop slender stalks. The best known are ones with snappable flowers, but others have open-faced flowers including double forms. Colors include white, yellow, burgundy, Red, pink, orange, and bronze.
How to grow: Plant in rich, well-drained soil with plenty of organic matter. Grow in full sun. Space tall varieties 12 inches apart, small varieties 6 inches apart. Pinch tips of young plants to encourage branching. For cool season bloom, plant snapdragons in September.
Propagation: Germination takes an average of eight days at 70 degrees Fahrenheit. For early bloom, sow seeds indoors six to eight weeks before setting outdoors after last frost.
Uses: Use the tall varieties for the back of the floral border and for cut flowers. Short varieties are good in borders and as edgings.
 The snapdragon flower – named after its dragon-like appearance, with “jaws” that can easily be snapped open and closed – is of the genus antirrhinum which is native to regions of the Mediterranean. These flowers, which form in whorls atop a thin stalk, can be seen in beautiful hues of burgundy, pink and red, as well as orange, white, yellow and a unique shade of bronze. Snapdragons are often classified according to height and flower form. For height, there are three types – dwarf, medium and tall. As for form, they may be seen in either their familiar ’snappable’ shape, or as open-faced blossoms. These flowers are considered relatively easy to grow in gardens. They take a mere eight days to germinate in warm weather, require rich, well drained soil, and only a minimal amount of coaxing to encourage flower branching.
 Although the snapdragon flower is well loved for its more interactive nature, these flowers have a long history that goes beyond being a simple floral plaything. As its otherworldly appearance may suggest, the snapdragon has long been associated with magical thinking. In Germany, if a snapdragon was hung over a baby’s bed, the child would be safe from evil spirits.
 They have also been thought to drive away witches, restore youthfulness and beauty to women, as well as bring back vigor and energy in everyone. The snapdragon flower is also considered to have a variety of uses. During the Middle Ages, these flowers were often weaved into the hair of maidens so as to make them both gracious and intriguing, and to ward off any unwanted advances. 
 They have also been used to create cooking oils – that of which is said to be nearly comparable to olive oil – as well as dyes, perfumes and medicine. These bitter tasting flowers have sometimes been used as stimulants, and turned into poultices to help heal tumours and ulcers.
The snapdragon flower has something of a dual nature when it comes to symbolism. Because of their history of cloaking women from undesirable affections, they are often thought to mean deception and denial. On the other hand, snapdragons are thought to be representative of a whimsical, gracious nature. They are also occasionally associated with strength, dignity and unique beauty. When given as a gift, these flowers may encompass either meaning, or perhaps even both – telling the recipient that you find them to be enchanting, but dangerous.